Achievement is NOT Declining at SMASD Schools

1. SPP is not a report card for the district nor for any school (SPP is connected to No Child Left Behind). 
2. The Future Ready Index is the new PDE measure of reporting and is connected to the Every Student Succeeds Act. The end of the article addresses these measures.
3. The numbers the Daily Press quoted for last year are pre-PA Core numbers from 2013-14.
4. The state did not use SPP in 2014-15 the first year of PA Core because the playing field changed so dramatically.
5. The fairest comparison is from last year to this year....thus:
High School went from 70.1 to 64.4
Middle School went from 69.2 to 72.4
South went from 69.5 to 70.1
Fox went from 80.0 to 65.5
BV went from 73.3 to 72.6
 Attached is a true measure of how we actually do when compared to our peers.